May 16, 2013
Marjory Walker
(901) 274-9030
MEMPHIS -- The National Cotton Council (NCC) congratulated House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN) for their efforts in moving new farm legislation through that Committee. The NCC will encourage Cotton Belt Representatives to support their agriculture committee's work and oppose damaging amendments when the legislation is considered by the full House likely in June.
The House Agriculture Committee's bill, which was approved by a strong, bipartisan vote of 36-10, saves nearly $40 billion in mandatory funds.
NCC Chairman Jimmy Dodson, a Robstown, TX, producer, said, "We commend the House Agriculture Committee leaders and Committee members for moving this important legislation to the next step. We urge the House leaders to promptly schedule time for the House to consider and pass this legislation. Our nation needs sound, long-term farm policy that has a balanced safety net for all commodities and regions while facilitating market-driven cropping and marketing decisions."
The NCC is especially grateful to Chairman Lucas for his leadership in including the Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX) and transition payments to assist growers and their lenders until STAX can be fully implemented. This provides growers with certainty and provides the basis for a final resolution of the longstanding Brazil WTO case.
Danny Robbins, an Oklahoma cotton producer and NCC leader, expressed appreciation to Chairman Lucas for his leadership and continued commitment to ensure production agriculture has predictable and effective policy as evidenced by the overwhelmingly bipartisan vote for the bill by Agriculture Committee members.
Dodson also expressed appreciation to Committee leaders and members for addressing the interests of the entire cotton industry by including provisions to assist U.S. textile manufacturers, extending the marketing loan and adjusted world price redemption process, maintaining reasonable limitations and eligibility requirements, extending the Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development Program which provide seed money for important promotion programs, and extending the extra-long staple cotton program.
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