National Cotton Ginners Association
Originally established in 1937 with its charter of incorporation in Mississippi, National Cotton Ginners Association is the umbrella organization for eight state and regional ginner associations. National Cotton Ginners Association also represents approximately 500 individual cotton ginning operations in 17 cotton producing states.
News and Events
Bale Packaging
Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials
CCC 809 and Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials
Attention Required Memo - Mismatched PBI Tags and AMS Sample Coupons
Bale Weight Management
In 2003, the National Cotton Council, the Memphis Cotton Exchange and the National Cotton Ginners' Association, as well as state and regional ginner associations in the Mid-South and the Southeast, created a "Bale Weight Management" brochure. Because light and heavy weight bales still are a concern, though, the informational brochure was updated and can be viewed by clicking the link above.
New TAMA Round Module Wrap Removal Recommendations English and Spanish
Plastic Contamination Prevention
Plastic Contamination Prevention Video - English and Spanish Versions
Prevention of Plastic Contamination When Hauling Round Modules
Camera Research 2021 Ginning Conference Paper
Update on the VIPR Detection System 2021 Ginning Conference Paper
Cost of Ginning
2021-22 Cost of Ginning Final Paper 2024 Ginning Conference
Gin Data Standard 2021 Ginning Conference Paper
Cotton Quality
USDA-AMS Upland Leaf Grade Guide Book for reference only and not an official standard. (*Members Only)
Benefits of Longer Gin Runs and Module Averaging as Recommended by the Vision 21 Cotton Flow Study
The National Cotton Ginners Executive Committee would like to remind ginners and cotton producers that financial and logistical advantages may exist in making longer gin runs of customer's cotton and in module averaging of cotton bales. USDA-AMS Module Averaging Presentation
Link Between Cotton Lint Quality and Module Cover Stressed
Cotton that is not well protected from the elements loses quality and value as it waits to be ginned. The profit from a year’s work and investment could be disappearing in poorly built modules under worn tarps. The dramatic effects on fiber quality and the resulting loss of value to the producer due to poorly shaped and deteriorated module covers are clearly shown in the publication: What is the real cost of a cotton module tarp?
Department of Labor/ICE
“What Every Employer Should Know About E-Verify and I-9 Compliance” presented by Fisher & Phillips LLP attorneys Jessica Cook and Ann Margaret Pointer. (*Members Only)
Preparing for Immigration and Customs Enforcement Inspection (*Members Only)
Overtime Fact Sheet for Administrative and White Collar Workers (*Members Only)
This guide is intended to be a practical guide rather than an exhaustive explanation of the provisions of the FLSA. Please contact a DOL representation or consult an attorney if you have a specific question about the FLSA. Employers should note this document addresses only circumstances arising under the FLSA and does not address local or state laws or regulations. Many states have instituted laws that exceed federal requirements. It is incumbent on you as an employer to ensure you satisfy all laws applicable in your particular state(s). Please also be aware this guide is a work in progress and not a final document.
The National Cotton Ginners Association and affiliated organizations make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this document.
Environmental Regulations
NCGA National Ambient Air Quality Comments (NAAQS)
Volume VI of the National Cotton Ginners Association Safety Series addresses round module system safety (*Members Only). The 17-minute video includes chapters on round module handling, wrap removal and contamination prevention training in addition to safety.
Safety Videos and Publications
HazCom and GHS (*Members Only)
Transportation and Seed Cotton Tracking
RFID Technology Presentations Available
2017 Stoneville Gin School attendees discussed how to use radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for module tracking and data management – with several ginners sharing how their operations are applying this technology.
During the school, presentations regarding current and future applications for this technology were presented by USDA’s Agriculture Research Service, Cotton Incorporated, EWR, and John Deere. These presentations, recorded through Cotton Incorporated’s Plant Management Network’s ‘Focus on Cotton’ webcast resource, now can be accessed at
Bale Press Maintenance and Bale Shape Uniformity (1.8 MB pdf)
Misshapened bales present a problem for not only gins and warehouses but also textile mills and the transportation industry. The most obvious problems include increased per bale handling charges. It is important for ginners to understand the significant safety hazards at the gin and warehouses associated with misshapened bales. The following power point presentation, created by Joe Thomas and Duncan McCook with Lummus Corporation, was created to assist ginners as they seek solutions to address the issue of misshapen bales. This presentation was given by Mr. McCook at the 2008 Ginners Conference in Nashville.
Securing Round Modules on Flatbed Trailers Recommendations (*Members Only)
Securing Round Modules on Flatbed Trailers Spanish Version Recommendations (*Members Only)
Agricultural Exemption Documents for Electronic Logging Devices and Hours of Service
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Ag Factsheet (*Members Only)
NCC's FMCSA Factsheet (*Members Only)
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